Sunday, March 11, 2012

And the Winner of Eurovision 2012 is? A flashback to 90�s Eurodisco meets Madonna!

Fingers crossed this will be the headline in May, because Sweden has chosen their representative song for Eurovision 2012, the fabulous Loreen and her song Euphoria.

Last year for this blog I made an attempt at watching the endless Swedish quest for picking the Eurovision entry song. This process is a series of finals and semifinals and superspecial guests and songwriters and endless endless musical torture.

This year I pretended it wasn�t happening. I just wasn�t prepared to be so masochistic as to watch the whole thing.

So today, I took a peek at the winner on youtube. Sadly, I couldn�t make it through the entire video, but here is my rather unprofessional review of the selection.

Plusses �

Wind machine � Loreen makes good use of a wind machine. This has proved to be essential to many a past Eurovision winner, including the queen herself, Carola.

Female � I know it is a stereotype, but I stand by the belief that the rest of Europe really likes Swedish ladies, and they would be more prone to vote for a Swedish lady then a Swedish male (remember, the rest of Europe is far behind Sweden when it comes to being feminist friendly) (See examples: The Ark and that Las Vegas song)

Nostalgia vibe  - What is up with that beat? It is a terrible reminder of 1990�s Eurodisco and her dancing reminds me of an old Madonna video on the beach in a similar outfit. Terrible to some of us, but nostalgia vibe is a great way of capturing votes across Europe since it doesn�t just focus on a Scandinavian sound.

Negatives �

Costume � I don�t mean to be catty about clothing, but since Eurovision is about costume, what is up with Loreen�s outfit? It is very unflattering for her figure. Why is it cut down to show the fact that she has no cleavage to show?

Not blonde � Europe would probably be all over this if Loreen were blonde, remember, playing to Swedish stereotypes can be a positive in Eurovision, since Europe likes the Swedish ladies.

No dance troupe? The act is pretty simple, and the dancing seems a little awkward. There is no huge production number, which might be a negative for Loreen.

I think this will be a good representative for Sweden in Eurovision this May. I look forward to reading all of the trash talk in the months to come! (Eastern European Conspiracy Unite!)
You can see the Eurovision entry here:

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